Let’s play a game… 

Imagine you won something you always wanted in some competition.. 

Like the Ferrari.. 

A beach home… 

Or something which you just imagined off.. 

Can you experience how much happiness it feels… 

Feels like success is in our footsteps.. 


Ever thought of… 

More to it… 

Ever thought.. 

Why you wake up after a good dream or a nightmare?? 

Because that’s the success you want at the ultimate peak.. 

If you had a opportunity… 

Wouldn’t you have done it.. 

So why? 

When you have opportunity you don’t earn it? 

Every step counts when you complete a travel… 

Every memory counts when you remember the old moments… 

Every second is appreciated when you are rewarded… 


Every effort counts when you trying for your dream…. 

Even if you feel it doesn’t affect life but it does.. 

This is just a small motivation message… 

No year is better than this year, 

No day is better than today, 

No time is better than now.. 

So may you achieve your dreams… 

Work hard on it…. 

Today or tomorrow,

God has to appreciate your effort… 

So keep trying, 

Never give up
